Wordless Wednesday

I clicked these pictures at Marine drive Colaba Mumbai. No filters are used. The light was just perfect.


ยฉ Anjali Sharma, Positive Side Of The Coin

Published by positivesideofcoin

Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference. ~Winston Churchill I believe that life is beautiful,one should enjoy it and stay positive. This blog is about being positive and curious about mystery of mankind. Someone truly said expand your thoughts and you will enlarge your world. Follow this blog to see positive side of every aspect. It's about encouraging people to try out new pattern of thinking. Little about myself, With Ten years of experience as Television Producer, I started my career as an independent documentary filmmaker...I worked in television industry for decade....took break from industry when I delivered baby in 2015. One fine day I thought to write letter to my husband in which I wrote him how I see life....in the evening when he came home and instead of discussing letter part he asked me to start writing...as he thought I can express myself more in writing rather then as person. I thought blogging is out of box idea... The truth is, cheesy as it sounds, the internet has changed our lives. And now I can share my thoughts with whole world :)

60 thoughts on “Wordless Wednesday

  1. No brag. Just fact. I scrolled down and up twice. I marveled at the sun, oh the life-giving sun, then the water, how peaceful, and then the buildings (someone’s architectural vision), in the distance and then forefront. The shore. Wondered where you stood. Mesmerizing actually, and very thoughtful of you to share on this fine Wednesday. Thank you!

    Liked by 2 people

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