
Thing of beauty is joy forever,Once I used to ride that beauty,That’s beauty when you reuse it,Let’s plant and reuse,We recycle what we use,That’s what our earth need,Reuse thing of beauty. Friday Fictioneers is hosted by Rochelle Wisoff-Fields. This week’s prompt is here and uses a photo by @ © Fleur Lind. If you wantContinue reading “Beauty”

God’s way!

When we take birth we cry,When we leave this world others weep,Cat likes to eat fish but cat can’t swim,Fish like worms, but fish can’t come up on land.Life is like that if we get something we also loose some,God is very interesting who has his own ways,So live life fully and just show gratitudeContinue reading “God’s way!”


Roses are beautiful flowers. Their fragrance is also unforgettable and very distinctive from other flowers.Their beauty is elevated even more by the meanings people have attached to these beautiful blooms and with time it becomes memory. Rose is love, Rose is happiness, Rose is fragrance, Rose is beauty, Rose is Bose, Rose is a gift fromContinue reading “Rose”