Father : Our Friend & Hero :)

He is friend and our hero….A Father is an angel (A guardian Angel) in our life. Who always stand’s by us during thick and thin of our life. A best friend one could probably ask for, a father brings a unique contribution to parenting that no one else can replicate. I belong to generation where fathers never said “He LOVE’s YOU”, not because they did not want to but because they really didn’t want to express their love in words ONLY! My father was strongest person who always stood by me & always tried to provide me the best of what he could- be it best education, best information and discipline. My father is my first hero and also my friend. I have never told my dad that what I feel for him, I saw him working hard day and night for our bright future. I learnt life lessons by observing him. I adore and miss time when I used to play chess & carom with him. He is my guide and a philosopher.

Coming to the very next generation, my one year old daughter also adores her father too! When her father is back from work she only wants to be with him, she starts throwing tantrums and feels on top of the world. She plays, giggles and dances with him And I feel really overwhelmed & happy when I see them both playing together. Her father communicates in a unique and different manner with her. The interaction has different tones of language & approach.

A number of studies suggest that those fathers, who are involved and playful with their children, eventually nurture their children with better linguistic and cognitive capacities and tactics that can handle stress in a better way. I feel father & kids relation is cherish-able, It is as important as any mothers & their kids relation. If a mother gives you birth in this new world then father teaches you to survive in this world. He provides you wing to fly high. I adore my relationship with my father.

So what special we can do for our father:

  1. Tell him how much you love him.However busy you are, call him at least once a day. Ask him how his day was, did they eat etc. Just keep the conversation going and be a good listener.
  2. To make your dad happy, share some moments of your life with him. Share your daily activities, new hobbies, new friends, and details of your life with him. When you receive any awards, accolades or appreciations share it with him. It gives him immense pleasure seeing his child successful.
  3. You can always teach him how to use the latest technology. If he is not a tech savvy! For instance how to use Skype, video calling, chatting. Once a week you can have a video chat with him.
  4. You can always discuss the problems you are facing at work or can take his advice on any investment ideas. He would be so elated to share his knowledge with you. Express your wishes, and make him familiar with your goals and dreams. After all, no one can be a better friend than your dad.
  5. Spend time with him; go for dinner date with him. Your father might be an extremely busy man, or he may be reserved and silent. But one thing that he always cherishes deep down is spending time with you, in whatever way he can.

Fathers day is around so plan something for your father, Happy Fathers Week 🙂

Thank you for reading ❤️

© Anjali Sharma, Positive Side Of The Coin

Sculpting rock into colourful life!

Every day I hear news of young Intelligent and beautiful people committing suicide. Some are student, some are actresses who entertain us and some work in Multinational companies.

According to WHO statistics, one person commits suicide every 40 seconds. Suicide rates all over the world have increased by 5- 62% in the last two decades. Hardly any country is immune to this disease.

What’s disturbing is that more young people are killing themselves than ever before. So have we ever thought reason behind it?

Most people who committed suicide had done so because they didn’t like the direction their life was going so they decided to give up and end it all. Everyday life can get a lot of us down such as the pressures of working and paying bills, Inability to listen to others, lack of patience this is actually a new and unnatural pressure of human life.

It is easy for normal people to look at suicidal people with disdain, but that is only because they have not been raised with the same environment, with the same relationships, with the same people or with the same experiences as the one who is being looked down upon. Nonetheless, our differences are inevitable, for every person should carry with themselves their own individuality.

I believe one thing can make the difference and can change the world around that is positive attitude and happiness. Happiness comes from within and finding moments of inner peace and joy in our lives is beneficial not only to our health but our well being as well. Positive thought and emotion can make huge differences to our everyday lives, and are demanding change so that we can all enjoy life and there’s no need for suffering or negative emotions.

A positive attitude leads to happiness and success and can change your whole life. If you look at the bright side of life, your whole life becomes filled with light. This light affects not only you and the way you look at the world, but it also affects your environment and the people around you.

Parents, society and friends all need to work together to decrease no of suicidal tendency:

Parents: Many youngsters kill themselves because peer pressure from parents…they cannot fulfil expectation of parents. All of them thought that Death was a much peaceful and effortless action than going through this dilemma of artificially doing what parents want them to do. Child actually observes parents and never follows anything blindly. If you want to have a positive attitude, you have to feature healthy thoughts. Child analyses and looks at the parents to see whether any of those things preached are followed by parents to begin with…

Don’ts : never make the child go through hardship to realize your dreams and also don’t do over pampered care. Both are harmful. This is probably very hard to do nowadays since, all around us, the media feeds us nothing but negative thoughts. A study shows that for every 14 things a parent says to his or her child, only one is positive.

Do’s : Give time to your kids, understand their needs…Make them happy and positive person…let them believe in their dreams…you can teach them good and bad but in positive way. Set your practical examples in front of them. Become their inspiration. Make them to learn patience and disciplined in positive way. Teach them to handle difficult situation peacefully in positive manner. Base should always be right…So childhood is most important phase to learn how to keep positive and healthy mind.

Society: Life is full of stress, pressure and conflict. It may not always seem fair. Sometimes, it may seem to all be beyond our ability to control. Yet, the world is none other than what we have made it to be. How do we make a positive change? The truth is that the change must take place within us. The only thing we can truly control is ourselves. You can change society with your positive attitude. A positive attitude begins with a healthy self – image. If you will love the way you are and are satisfied, confident, and self – assured, you also make others are around feel the same way. Stay away from negative thoughts and negative energy as it makes you sick and drain all your energy. Make this world a happy place!!!

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Friends: Studies have shown that a positive attitude promotes better health. Those with this kind of attitude further have more friends. Friends play very important role in life. Look after your friends, make sure they are okay. Sometimes they are going through things that are really heavy,but they might not say it. Friends are one who always understands each other feelings. Projecting a positive attitude helps one to handle stress and problems better than those who have a negative attitude. Always promote positive attitude among friends….Stay positive, help your friends when they need you.

Love and care helps to make healthy and positive life.

Thank you for reading ❤️


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© Anjali Sharma, Positive Side Of The Coin